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Proprietary Laboratory Analyses (PLA) Codes (U codes)


search_plas(hcpcs_code = NULL, ...)



<chr> vector of 5-character HCPCS codes


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


a tibble

See also


#> # A tibble: 337 × 9
#>    hcpcs_code desc_long      desc_medium desc_short date_released date_effective
#>    <chr>      <chr>          <chr>       <chr>      <date>        <date>        
#>  1 0001U      "Red blood ce… RBC DNA HE… RBC DNA H… 2016-12-02    2017-02-01    
#>  2 0002U      "Oncology (co… ONC CLRCT … ONC CLRCT… 2016-12-02    2017-02-01    
#>  3 0003U      "Oncology (ov… ONC OVARIA… ONC OVAR … 2016-12-02    2017-02-01    
#>  4 0005U      "Oncology (pr… ONCO PRST8… ONCO PRST… 2017-03-01    2017-05-01    
#>  5 0007U      "Drug test(s)… RX TEST PR… RX TEST P… 2017-06-01    2017-08-01    
#>  6 0008U      "Helicobacter… HPYLORI DE… HPYLORI D… 2018-11-30    2019-01-01    
#>  7 0009U      "Oncology (br… ONC BRST C… ONC BRST … 2017-06-01    2017-08-01    
#>  8 0010U      "Infectious d… NFCT DS ST… NFCT DS S… 2017-06-01    2017-08-01    
#>  9 0011U      "Prescription… RX MNTR DR… RX MNTR L… 2017-06-01    2017-08-01    
#> 10 0016U      "Oncology (he… ONC HMTLMF… ONC HMTLM… 2017-06-01    2017-08-01    
#> 11 0017U      "Oncology (he… ONC HMTLMF… ONC HMTLM… 2017-06-01    2017-08-01    
#> 12 0018U      "Oncology (th… ONC THYR 1… ONC THYR … 2017-08-31    2017-10-01    
#> 13 0019U      "Oncology, RN… ONC RNA WH… ONC RNA T… 2017-08-31    2017-10-01    
#> 14 0021U      "Oncology (pr… ONC PRST8 … ONC PRST8… 2017-08-31    2017-10-01    
#> 15 0022U      "Targeted gen… TRGT GEN S… TRGT GEN … 2017-08-31    2017-10-01    
#> 16 0023U      "Oncology (ac… ONC AML DN… ONC AML D… 2017-08-31    2017-10-01    
#> 17 0024U      "Glycosylated… GLYCA NUC … GLYCA NUC… 2017-12-01    2018-01-01    
#> 18 0025U      "Tenofovir, b… TENOFOVIR … TENOFOVIR… 2017-12-01    2018-01-01    
#> 19 0026U      "Oncology (th… ONC THYR D… ONC THYR … 2017-12-01    2018-01-01    
#> 20 0027U      "JAK2 (Janus … JAK2 GENE … JAK2 GENE… 2017-12-01    2018-01-01    
#> # ℹ 317 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: proprietary_name <chr>, clinical_lab <chr>,
#> #   manufacturer <chr>