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Describe HCPCS Codes


  hcpcs_code = NULL,
  hcpcs_desc_type = "All",
  column = "hcpcs_code",



<chr> vector of 5-character HCPCS codes


<chr> vector of code description types; All (default), Short, Long, Medium, Medical, Consumer, Clinician, Proprietary Name


If hcpcs_code is a data.frame or a tibble, this is the quoted name of the column containing HCPCS codes; default is "hcpcs_code"


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


a tibble

See also

Other HIPAA Standards: search_hcpcs(), search_modifiers(), search_plas(), search_pos(), search_rbcs()


search_descriptions(hcpcs_code = c("39503", "43116", "33935", "11646"))
#> # A tibble: 19 × 6
#>    hcpcs_code hcpcs_level hcpcs_category hcpcs_section hcpcs_desc_type
#>    <chr>      <fct>       <fct>          <fct>         <ord>          
#>  1 11646      I           I              Surgery       Short          
#>  2 11646      I           I              Surgery       Long           
#>  3 11646      I           I              Surgery       Medical        
#>  4 11646      I           I              Surgery       Consumer       
#>  5 11646      I           I              Surgery       Clinician      
#>  6 33935      I           I              Surgery       Short          
#>  7 33935      I           I              Surgery       Medical        
#>  8 33935      I           I              Surgery       Consumer       
#>  9 33935      I           I              Surgery       Clinician      
#> 10 39503      I           I              Surgery       Short          
#> 11 39503      I           I              Surgery       Long           
#> 12 39503      I           I              Surgery       Medical        
#> 13 39503      I           I              Surgery       Consumer       
#> 14 39503      I           I              Surgery       Clinician      
#> 15 43116      I           I              Surgery       Short          
#> 16 43116      I           I              Surgery       Long           
#> 17 43116      I           I              Surgery       Medical        
#> 18 43116      I           I              Surgery       Consumer       
#> 19 43116      I           I              Surgery       Clinician      
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: hcpcs_description <chr>

  hcpcs_code = dplyr::tibble(
  code = c("A0021", "V5362", "J9264", "G8916")),
  column = "code")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 6
#>   hcpcs_code hcpcs_level hcpcs_category hcpcs_section            hcpcs_desc_type
#>   <chr>      <fct>       <fct>          <fct>                    <ord>          
#> 1 A0021      II          NA             Transportation Services… Short          
#> 2 A0021      II          NA             Transportation Services… Long           
#> 3 G8916      II          NA             Procedures/Professional… Short          
#> 4 G8916      II          NA             Procedures/Professional… Long           
#> 5 J9264      II          NA             Chemotherapy Drugs       Short          
#> 6 J9264      II          NA             Chemotherapy Drugs       Long           
#> 7 V5362      II          NA             Speech-Language Patholo… Long           
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: hcpcs_description <chr>

  code = c("A0021", "V5362", "J9264", "G8916")) |>
  search_descriptions(column = "code")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 6
#>   hcpcs_code hcpcs_level hcpcs_category hcpcs_section            hcpcs_desc_type
#>   <chr>      <fct>       <fct>          <fct>                    <ord>          
#> 1 A0021      II          NA             Transportation Services… Short          
#> 2 A0021      II          NA             Transportation Services… Long           
#> 3 G8916      II          NA             Procedures/Professional… Short          
#> 4 G8916      II          NA             Procedures/Professional… Long           
#> 5 J9264      II          NA             Chemotherapy Drugs       Short          
#> 6 J9264      II          NA             Chemotherapy Drugs       Long           
#> 7 V5362      II          NA             Speech-Language Patholo… Long           
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: hcpcs_description <chr>