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Physician Fee Schedule Amount Calculation

Physician Fee Schedule Variables
Variables Descriptions
\(RVU_w\) Relative Value Unit (Physician Work)
\(GPCI_w\) Geographic Practice Cost Index (Physician Work)
\(RVU_p\) Relative Value Unit (Practice Expense)
\(GPCI_p\) Geographic Practice Cost Index (Practice Expense)
\(RVU_m\) Relative Value Unit (Malpractice)
\(GPCI_m\) Geographic Practice Cost Index (Malpractice)
\(CF\) Conversion Factor

Physician Fee Schedule Formulas
Formula Result
\(RVU_w(GPCI_w) + RVU_p(GPCI_p) + RVU_m(GPCI_m)\) Total RVUs
\(\text{Total RVUs} \times CF\) Participating Fee
\(\text{Participating Fee} \times 0.95\) Non-Participating Fee
\(\text{Participating Fee} \times 1.0925\) Limiting Charge

As there is a corresponding GPCI value for each of the three components of an RVU, the formula is essentially the dot product of the RVU and GPCI vectors, multiplied by the Conversion Factor:

\[ RVU \cdot GPCI = RVU_w(GPCI_w) + RVU_p(GPCI_p) + RVU_m(GPCI_m) \]

wrvu  = 6.26   # Work RVU
wgpci = 1      # Work GPCI

pgpci = 0.883  # Practice GPCI
prvu  = 4.36   # Practice RVU

mrvu  = 0.99   # Malpractice RVU
mgpci = 1.125  # Malpractice GPCI

cf    = 32.744 # Conversion Factor

rvus <- (wrvu * wgpci) + (prvu * pgpci) + (mrvu * mgpci)
rvus # Total RVUs
#> [1] 11.22363
rvus * cf # Participating Fee
#> [1] 367.5065

Using base r’s matrix multiplication infix operator

as.vector(c(wrvu, prvu, mrvu) %*% c(wgpci, pgpci, mgpci))
#> [1] 11.22363

Using the dot() function from the {pracma} package

  c(wrvu, prvu, mrvu), 
  c(wgpci, pgpci, mgpci))
#> [1] 11.22363

  wrvu  = 6.26,
  nprvu = 7.92,
  fprvu = 4.36,
  mrvu  = 0.99,
  cf    = 32.744,
  wgpci = 1,
  pgpci = 0.883,
  mgpci = 1.125) |> 
  tt() |> 
  format_tt(markdown = TRUE) |> 
  style_tt(bootstrap_class = "table table-hover")
component value
facility_prvu 4.36000
facility_rvu 11.22363
facility_par 367.50654
facility_nonpar 349.13121
facility_limit 401.50090
nonfacility_prvu 7.92000
nonfacility_rvu 14.36711
nonfacility_par 470.43665
nonfacility_nonpar 446.91482
nonfacility_limit 513.95204