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A modifier provides the means to report or indicate that a service or procedure that has been performed has been altered by some specific circumstance but not changed in its definition or code.


search_modifiers(mod_code = NULL, mod_type = NULL, ...)



<chr> vector of 2-character HCPCS modifiers; default is NULL


<chr> Modifier type, one of HCPCS, CPT, Anesthesia, or Performance Measure; default is NULL


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


a tibble


Modifiers also enable health care professionals to effectively respond to payment policy requirements established by other entities.

See also


search_modifiers(mod_code = c("25", "59"))
#> # A tibble: 2 × 9
#>   mod_code mod_type mod_category mod_description                 mod_information
#>   <chr>    <fct>    <fct>        <chr>                           <chr>          
#> 1 25       CPT      General      Significant, Separately Identi… It may be nece…
#> 2 59       CPT      General      Distinct Procedural Service     Under certain …
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: mod_instructions <chr>, mod_correct_use <chr>,
#> #   mod_incorrect_use <chr>, mod_resources <chr>

search_modifiers(mod_type = "CPT")
#> # A tibble: 49 × 9
#>    mod_code mod_type mod_category mod_description                mod_information
#>    <chr>    <fct>    <fct>        <chr>                          <chr>          
#>  1 22       CPT      General      Increased Procedural Services  When the work …
#>  2 23       CPT      Anesthesia   Unusual Anesthesia             Occasionally, …
#>  3 24       CPT      General      Unrelated Evaluation and Mana… The physician …
#>  4 25       CPT      General      Significant, Separately Ident… It may be nece…
#>  5 26       CPT      General      Professional Component         Certain proced…
#>  6 27       CPT      NA           Multiple Outpatient Hospital … For hospital o…
#>  7 32       CPT      NA           Mandated Services              Services relat…
#>  8 33       CPT      General      Preventive Services            When the prima…
#>  9 47       CPT      Anesthesia   Anesthesia by Surgeon          Regional or ge…
#> 10 50       CPT      General      Bilateral Procedure            Unless otherwi…
#> 11 51       CPT      General      Multiple Procedures            When multiple …
#> 12 52       CPT      General      Reduced Services               Under certain …
#> 13 53       CPT      General      Discontinued Procedure         Under certain …
#> 14 54       CPT      General      Surgical Care Only             When 1 physici…
#> 15 55       CPT      General      Postoperative Management Only  When 1 physici…
#> 16 56       CPT      NA           Preoperative Management Only   When 1 physici…
#> 17 57       CPT      General      Decision for Surgery           An evaluation …
#> 18 58       CPT      General      Staged or Related Procedure o… It may be nece…
#> 19 59       CPT      General      Distinct Procedural Service    Under certain …
#> 20 62       CPT      General      Two Surgeons                   When 2 surgeon…
#> # ℹ 29 more rows
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: mod_instructions <chr>, mod_correct_use <chr>,
#> #   mod_incorrect_use <chr>, mod_resources <chr>