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Category II: Supplemental tracking codes that can be used for performance measurement. These codes are intended to facilitate data collection about quality of care by coding certain services and/or test results that support performance measures and that have been agreed upon as contributing to good patient care.


is_category_II(x, arg = rlang::caller_arg(x), call = rlang::caller_env())



<chr> string of length(1)


<chr> function argument name in the current function


<environment> environment the function is called from



TRUE if valid, FALSE otherwise

a tibble


Some codes in this category may relate to compliance by the health care professional with state or federal law. The use of these codes is optional. The codes are not required for correct coding and may not be used as a substitute for Category I codes. Services/procedures or test results described in this category make use of alpha characters as the 5th character in the string (i.e., 4 digits followed by an alpha character).

These digits are not intended to reflect the placement of the code in the regular (Category I) part of the CPT code set. Also, these codes describe components that are typically included in an evaluation and management service or test results that are part of the laboratory test/procedure.

Consequently, they do not have a relative value associated with them.

Category II codes are:

  • Alphanumeric and consist of four digits followed by the letter F

  • NOT billing codes

  • Used to track services on claims for performance measurement

  • Not to be used as a substitute for Category I codes


#> [1] TRUE

#> [1] FALSE