Appendix B: ICD-10-CM|MDC|MS-DRG Index
a tibble
The Diagnosis Code/MDC/MS-DRG Index lists each ICD-10-CM code, the MDC and the MS-DRGs to which the diagnosis is used to define the logic of the MS-DRG either as a principal or secondary diagnosis.
msdrg_index(icd = "A17.81")
#> # A tibble: 8 × 4
#> icd_code mdc drg_range drg
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 A17.81 01 023-024 023
#> 2 A17.81 01 023-024 024
#> 3 A17.81 01 094-096 094
#> 4 A17.81 01 094-096 095
#> 5 A17.81 01 094-096 096
#> 6 A17.81 25 974-976 974
#> 7 A17.81 25 974-976 975
#> 8 A17.81 25 974-976 976
msdrg_index(drg = "011")
#> # A tibble: 889 × 4
#> icd_code mdc drg_range drg
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 A36.0 Pre 011-013 011
#> 2 A36.1 Pre 011-013 011
#> 3 A36.2 Pre 011-013 011
#> 4 A54.5 Pre 011-013 011
#> 5 A56.4 Pre 011-013 011
#> 6 A66.5 Pre 011-013 011
#> 7 A69.0 Pre 011-013 011
#> 8 A69.1 Pre 011-013 011
#> 9 B00.2 Pre 011-013 011
#> 10 B08.5 Pre 011-013 011
#> # ℹ 879 more rows
msdrg_index(mdc = "24")
#> # A tibble: 26,067 × 4
#> icd_code mdc drg_range drg
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 M96.A1 24 963-965 963
#> 2 M96.A1 24 963-965 964
#> 3 M96.A1 24 963-965 965
#> 4 M96.A2 24 963-965 963
#> 5 M96.A2 24 963-965 964
#> 6 M96.A2 24 963-965 965
#> 7 M96.A3 24 963-965 963
#> 8 M96.A3 24 963-965 964
#> 9 M96.A3 24 963-965 965
#> 10 M96.A4 24 963-965 963
#> # ℹ 26,057 more rows