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These files come from Centene Corporation’s Transparency in Coverage site.


mermaid("graph TB
  A[TOC URLs]-->B[TOC URL Responses]
  B-->C[OON URLs]
  B-->D[INN URLs]
  C-->E[OON Responses]
  D-->F[INN Responses]
  G{NPI Results}-->E
  H{NPI Results}-->F

Build the TOC URL Table

# Index of TOC URLs
centene_toc_urls <- data.frame(
  entity = c("Centene"),
  sub_entity = c("Ambetter", 
  type = c("toc"),
  origin = c("", 

# Sub-Index of QualChoice TOC URls
centene_toc_qualchoice_subs <- data.frame(
  entity = c("Centene"),
  sub_entity = c("QualChoice"),
  sub_index = c("Alf",
  type = c("toc"),
  origin =   c("",

# Join the two data frames
toc_url_centene <- dplyr::full_join(
  by = c("entity",
  copy = TRUE) |> 
                  .after = "sub_entity")
entity sub_entity sub_index type origin
Centene Ambetter NA toc
Centene Fidelis NA toc
Centene QualChoice NA toc
Centene HealthNet NA toc
Centene MHN NA toc
Centene WellCare_NC NA toc
Centene QualChoice Alf toc
Centene QualChoice Arnold_Bevins toc
Centene QualChoice Hot_Springs toc
Centene QualChoice Dillards toc
Centene QualChoice JV_Manufacturing toc
Centene QualChoice Royal_Financial toc

Build the Response Table

toc_resp_centene <- toc_url_centene |> 
                    dplyr::select(origin) |>
                    dplyr::distinct() |> 
                    tibble::deframe() |> 
#> Error in `map()`:
#>  In index: 1.
#> Caused by error in `httr2::req_perform()`:
#> ! HTTP 404 Not Found.

toc_resp_centene <- toc_resp_centene |> 
                    dplyr::rename(type = rate_type) |> 
                    dplyr::mutate(entity = dplyr::case_when(
                    entity == "Centene Management Company LLC" ~ "Centene", 
                    TRUE ~ entity))
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'toc_resp_centene' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'toc_resp_centene' not found

Build the Out-of-Network Table

oon_urls_centene <- toc_resp_centene |> 
                    dplyr::filter(type == "out_of_network") |> 
                    dplyr::select(location) |> 
                    dplyr::distinct() |> 
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'toc_resp_centene' not found

oon_resp_centene <- oon_urls_centene |> 
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'oon_urls_centene' not found

oon_resp_centene <- oon_resp_centene |> 
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'oon_resp_centene' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'oon_resp_centene' not found

Build the In-Network Table

inn_urls_centene <- toc_resp_centene |> 
                    dplyr::filter(type == "in_network") |> 
                    dplyr::select(location) |> 
                    dplyr::distinct() |> 
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'toc_resp_centene' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'inn_urls_centene' not found

inn_resp_cent.2 <- inn_urls_centene[2] |> 
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'inn_urls_centene' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'inn_resp_cent.2' not found

Creating a Relational Database with dm

You can build a relational database in R with the {dm} package, using only data frames in your R environment. Once your data model is complete, you can deploy it to a range of database management systems (DBMS). First, we need to create a dm object:

dm_centene_no_keys <- dm::dm(toc_url_centene, toc_resp_centene)
#> Error in `map()`:
#>  In index: 2.
#> Caused by error:
#> ! object 'toc_resp_centene' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_no_keys' not found

Next, we need to define the primary keys:

dm::dm_enum_pk_candidates(dm = dm_centene_no_keys, table = toc_url_centene)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_no_keys' not found
dm_centene_only_pks <- dm_centene_no_keys |> dm::dm_add_pk(table = toc_url_centene, columns = origin)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_no_keys' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_only_pks' not found

Now, we need to link the two tables by a foreign key:

dm::dm_enum_fk_candidates(dm = dm_centene_only_pks, table = toc_resp_centene, ref_table = toc_url_centene)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_only_pks' not found
dm_centene_all_keys <- dm_centene_only_pks |> dm::dm_add_fk(table = toc_resp_centene, columns = origin, ref_table = toc_url_centene)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_only_pks' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_all_keys' not found

Visualizing the Data Model

dm_centene_no_keys |> dm::dm_draw(rankdir = "TB", view_type = "all")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_no_keys' not found
dm_centene_only_pks |> dm::dm_draw(rankdir = "TB", view_type = "all")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_only_pks' not found
dm_centene_all_keys |> dm::dm_draw(rankdir = "LR", view_type = "all")
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'dm_centene_all_keys' not found