Search the Medicare Revalidation Clinic Group Practice Reassignment API
Information on clinic group practice revalidation for Medicare enrollment.
npi = NULL,
enroll_id = NULL,
first_name = NULL,
last_name = NULL,
state = NULL,
specialty = NULL,
pac_id_group = NULL,
enroll_id_group = NULL,
business_name = NULL,
state_group = NULL,
record_type = NULL,
tidy = TRUE
- npi
NPI of provider who is reassigning their benefits or is an employee
- enroll_id
Enrollment ID of provider reassigning their benefits or is an employee
- first_name
First name of provider who is reassigning their benefits or is an employee
- last_name
Last name of provider who is reassigning their benefits or is an employee
- state
Enrollment state of provider who is reassigning their benefits or is an employee
- specialty
Enrollment specialty of the provider who is reassigning their benefits or is an employee
- pac_id_group
PAC ID of provider who is receiving reassignment or is the employer. Providers enroll at the state level, so one PAC ID may be associated with multiple Enrollment IDs.
- enroll_id_group
Enrollment ID of provider who is receiving reassignment or is the employer
- business_name
Legal business name of provider who is receiving reassignment or is the employer
- state_group
Enrollment state of provider who is receiving reassignment or is the employer
- record_type
Identifies whether the record is for a reassignment (
) or employment (Physician Assistant
)- tidy
Tidy output; default is
A tibble containing the search results.
The Revalidation Clinic Group Practice Reassignment dataset provides information between the physician and the group practice they reassign their billing to. It also includes individual employer association counts and the revalidation dates for the individual physician as well as the clinic group practice.
if (FALSE) { # interactive()
revalidation_group(enroll_id = "I20200929003184",
npi = 1962026229,
first_name = "Rashadda",
last_name = "Wong",
state = "CT",
specialty = "Physician Assistant")
revalidation_group(pac_id_group = 9436483807,
enroll_id_group = "O20190619002165",
business_name = "1st Call Urgent Care",
state_group = "FL",
record_type = "Reassignment")