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Access current data on enrolled Medicare beneficiaries.


  year = NULL,
  period = NULL,
  level = NULL,
  state = NULL,
  county = NULL,
  fips = NULL,
  tidy = TRUE,



< integer > Calendar year of Medicare enrollment; current years can be checked with:

  • bene_years("year"): Years available for all 12 months

  • bene_years("month"): Years available for individual months


< character > Time frame of Medicare enrollment; options are "Year", Month, or any individual month name


< character > Geographic level of data; options are "National", "State", or "County"


< character > Full state name or abbreviation of beneficiary residence


< character > County of beneficiary residence


< character > FIPS code of beneficiary residence


< boolean > // default: TRUE Tidy output




A tibble with the columns:

yearEnrollment calendar year
periodEnrollment time frame
levelGeographic level of data
stateBeneficiary residence state
state_nameBeneficiary residence state name
countyBeneficiary residence county
fipsBeneficiary residence FIPS code
bene_totalTotal Medicare beneficiaries
bene_origOriginal Medicare beneficiaries
bene_ma_othMedicare Advantage beneficiaries
bene_total_agedAged beneficiaries
bene_aged_esrdAged beneficiaries with ESRD
bene_aged_no_esrdAged beneficiaries without ESRD
bene_total_dsbDisabled beneficiaries
bene_dsb_esrdDisabled with ESRD and ESRD-only beneficiaries
bene_dsb_no_esrdDisabled beneficiaries without ESRD
bene_total_abTotal Medicare Part A and B beneficiaries
bene_ab_origOriginal Medicare Part A and B beneficiaries
bene_ab_ma_othMedicare Advantage Part A and B beneficiaries
bene_total_rxTotal Medicare Part D beneficiaries
bene_rx_pdpMedicare Prescription Drug Plan beneficiaries
bene_rx_mapdMedicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan beneficiaries
bene_rx_lis_eligPart D Low Income Subsidy Eligible (Full) Beneficiaries
bene_rx_lis_fullPart D Low Income Subsidy Full Beneficiaries
bene_rx_lis_partPart D Low Income Subsidy Partial Beneficiaries
bene_rx_lis_noPart D No Low Income Subsidy Beneficiaries

Medicare Monthly Enrollment

Current monthly information on the number of Medicare beneficiaries with hospital/medical coverage and prescription drug coverage, available for several geographic areas including national, state and county.

The hospital/medical coverage data can be broken down further by health care delivery (Original Medicare versus Medicare Advantage and Other Health Plans) and the prescription drug coverage data can be examined by those enrolled in stand-alone Prescription Drug Plans and those enrolled in Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plans.

The dataset includes enrollee counts on a rolling 12 month basis.

Update Frequency: Monthly


if (FALSE) { # interactive()
beneficiaries(year   = 2022,
              period = "Year",
              level  = "County",
              county = "Autauga")

beneficiaries(year   = 2022,
              period = "July",
              state  = "Georgia")

beneficiaries(level = "State", fips  = "10")