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Providing easy access to healthcare provider data through publicly available APIs.

📦 Installation

You can install provider from GitHub with:

# install.packages("pak")

🔰 Usage


affiliations(facility_ccn = 370781)
#> # A tibble: 16 × 7
#>    npi        pac        first     middle last        facility_type facility_ccn
#>    <chr>      <chr>      <chr>     <chr>  <chr>       <fct>         <chr>       
#>  1 1053547950 7618131160 AARON     S      SIZELOVE    Hospital      370781      
#>  2 1083618003 6406913474 KEITH     J      KASSABIAN   Hospital      370781      
#>  3 1225098460 2466474713 BRENDA    K      HUENERGARDT Hospital      370781      
#>  4 1245239045 4082508833 STEVE     M      MADRID      Hospital      370781      
#>  5 1316939622 2769376508 CHESTER   WRAY   BEAM        Hospital      370781      
#>  6 1417376823 0941531362 MICHAEL   <NA>   TRAN        Hospital      370781      
#>  7 1427045400 7517858608 THOMAS    <NA>   MCGARRY     Hospital      370781      
#>  8 1487435053 8426405796 NICHOLAS  <NA>   RUSSENBERG… Hospital      370781      
#>  9 1568453835 3870487739 DWAYNE    A      SCHMIDT     Hospital      370781      
#> 10 1629043369 6103878764 JANA      NIKOLE MORRIS      Hospital      370781      
#> 11 1659758472 3375853419 ALYSSA    B      MIZE        Hospital      370781      
#> 12 1740291517 1052341575 WILLIAM   LANCE  GARNER      Hospital      370781      
#> 13 1780762195 1052581154 CHRISTIAN L      KOOPMAN     Hospital      370781      
#> 14 1790005809 2668699729 RYAN      B      HURST       Hospital      370781      
#> 15 1891248191 1658620976 MATTHEW   I      ORGEL       Hospital      370781      
#> 16 1922361740 1052633591 LYNNETTE  <NA>   MORRISON    Hospital      370781


  year   = 2023, 
  period = "Year", 
  level  = "County", 
  state  = "GA", 
  county = "Lowndes County") |>
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 26
#> $ year              <int> 2023
#> $ period            <ord> Year
#> $ level             <ord> County
#> $ state             <ord> GA
#> $ state_name        <ord> Georgia
#> $ county            <chr> "Lowndes County"
#> $ fips              <chr> "13185"
#> $ bene_total        <int> 20536
#> $ bene_orig         <int> 11128
#> $ bene_ma_oth       <int> 9408
#> $ bene_total_aged   <int> 17059
#> $ bene_aged_esrd    <int> 125
#> $ bene_aged_no_esrd <int> 16933
#> $ bene_total_dsb    <int> 3477
#> $ bene_dsb_esrd     <int> 145
#> $ bene_dsb_no_esrd  <int> 3333
#> $ bene_total_ab     <int> 19048
#> $ bene_ab_orig      <int> 9646
#> $ bene_ab_ma_oth    <int> 9402
#> $ bene_total_rx     <int> 14843
#> $ bene_rx_pdp       <int> 5942
#> $ bene_rx_mapd      <int> 8901
#> $ bene_rx_lis_elig  <int> 5558
#> $ bene_rx_lis_full  <int> 475
#> $ bene_rx_lis_part  <int> 159
#> $ bene_rx_lis_no    <int> 8651


clinicians(npi = 1932365699) |> glimpse()
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 19
#> $ npi           <chr> "1932365699"
#> $ pac           <chr> "0042370496"
#> $ enid          <chr> "I20171107000894"
#> $ first         <chr> "STEFAN"
#> $ middle        <chr> "MICHAEL"
#> $ last          <chr> "SMITH"
#> $ gender        <fct> Male
#> $ credential    <chr> "OD"
#> $ grad_year     <int> 2008
#> $ specialty     <chr> "OPTOMETRY"
#> $ facility_name <chr> "LEE ANN HOVEN OD PC"
#> $ pac_org       <chr> "5193882009"
#> $ members_org   <int> 2
#> $ address_org   <chr> "1165 S CAMINO DEL RIO SUITE 100"
#> $ city_org      <chr> "DURANGO"
#> $ state_org     <ord> CO
#> $ zip_org       <chr> "813036824"
#> $ phone_org     <chr> "9702478762"


hospitals(npi = 1720098791) |> glimpse()
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 22
#> $ npi_org           <chr> "1720098791"
#> $ pac_org           <chr> "7618950643"
#> $ enid_org          <chr> "O20230310002325"
#> $ enid_state        <ord> GA
#> $ facility_ccn      <chr> "110779"
#> $ organization      <chr> "IRWIN COUNTY HOSPITAL"
#> $ doing_business_as <chr> "PROGRESSIVE MEDICAL ENTERPRISE"
#> $ specialty_code    <chr> "00-24"
#> $ specialty         <chr> "PART A PROVIDER - RURAL EMERGENCY HOSPITAL (REH)"
#> $ incorp_state      <ord> GA
#> $ structure         <chr> "OTHER: HOSPITAL AUTHORITY"
#> $ address           <chr> "710 N IRWIN AVE"
#> $ city              <chr> "OCILLA"
#> $ state             <ord> GA
#> $ zip               <chr> "317745011"
#> $ location_type     <chr> "OTHER HOSPITAL PRACTICE LOCATION: REH"
#> $ registration      <fct> Non-Profit
#> $ multi_npi         <lgl> FALSE
#> $ reh_date          <date> 2023-03-23
#> $ reh_ccns          <chr> "110130"
#> $ reh_conversion    <lgl> TRUE
#> $ subgroup          <fct> None


laboratories(clia = "11D0265516") |> glimpse()
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 25
#> $ clia_number           <chr> "11D0265516"
#> $ provider_name         <chr> "DANIEL FELDMAN MD"
#> $ certificate           <ord> Compliance
#> $ clia_medicare         <chr> "00205114A3"
#> $ effective_date        <date> 1996-08-29
#> $ expiration_date       <date> 1998-08-04
#> $ expired               <lgl> TRUE
#> $ termination_reason    <ord> "Mail Returned No Forward Address Cert Ended (CL…
#> $ status                <ord> In Compliance
#> $ poc_ind               <lgl> TRUE
#> $ type_of_action        <ord> Recertification
#> $ ownership_type        <fct> Proprietary
#> $ facility_type         <ord> Physician Office
#> $ director_affiliations <int> 0
#> $ address               <chr> "205 WOODROW WILSON DR"
#> $ city                  <chr> "VALDOSTA"
#> $ state                 <ord> GA
#> $ zip                   <chr> "31602"
#> $ phone                 <chr> "8032619888"
#> $ orig_part_date        <date> 1992-09-01
#> $ application_date      <date> 1993-01-20
#> $ certification_date    <date> 1996-03-21
#> $ mailed_date           <date> 1996-09-25
#> $ region                <fct> Atlanta
#> $ clia_class_current    <fct> CLIA Lab


nppes(npi = 1497535637) |> glimpse()
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 23
#> $ npi         <chr> "1497535637"
#> $ entity_type <fct> Individual
#> $ enum_date   <date> 2023-10-04
#> $ cert_date   <date> 2023-10-05
#> $ last_update <date> 2023-10-05
#> $ status      <fct> Active
#> $ first       <chr> "CARTER"
#> $ last        <chr> "ADAMS"
#> $ gender      <fct> Male
#> $ credential  <chr> "NP-BC"
#> $ sole_prop   <lgl> FALSE
#> $ purpose     <fct> Practice
#> $ address     <chr> "2501 N PATTERSON ST"
#> $ city        <chr> "VALDOSTA"
#> $ state       <ord> GA
#> $ zip         <chr> "316021785"
#> $ country     <chr> "US"
#> $ phone       <chr> "229-433-1000"
#> $ tx_code     <chr> "363L00000X"
#> $ tx_primary  <lgl> TRUE
#> $ tx_desc     <chr> "Nurse Practitioner"
#> $ tx_license  <chr> "RN272237"
#> $ tx_state    <ord> GA


  year  = 2021, 
  npi   = 1023630738, 
  na.rm = TRUE) |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 46
#> $ program_year        <int> 2021
#> $ npi                 <chr> "1023630738"
#> $ covered_recipient   <fct> Non-Physician Practitioner
#> $ first               <chr> "ALYSIA"
#> $ middle              <chr> "MOTA"
#> $ last                <chr> "SMITH"
#> $ address             <chr> "610 N HOY ST"
#> $ city                <chr> "BUFFALO"
#> $ state               <ord> OK
#> $ zip                 <chr> "73834"
#> $ country             <chr> "United States"
#> $ primary             <chr> "Physician Assistant"
#> $ specialty           <chr> "Physician Assistants & Advanced Practice Nursing …
#> $ license_state       <ord> OK
#> $ physician_ownership <lgl> FALSE
#> $ third_party_payment <chr> "No Third Party Payment"
#> $ publish_date        <date> 2024-06-28
#> $ publish_delay       <lgl> FALSE
#> $ publish_dispute     <lgl> FALSE
#> $ related_product     <lgl> TRUE
#> $ payer_id            <chr> "100000866821"
#> $ payer_sub           <chr> "Organon LLC"
#> $ payer_name          <chr> "Organon LLC"
#> $ payer_state         <ord> NJ
#> $ payer_country       <chr> "United States"
#> $ pay_form            <chr> "In-kind items and services"
#> $ pay_nature          <chr> "Food and Beverage"
#> $ pay_total           <dbl> 17.43
#> $ pay_date            <date> 2021-08-25
#> $ pay_count           <int> 1
#> $ row_id              <int> 1
#> $ group_id            <int> 1
#> $ name                <chr> "NEXPLANON"
#> $ covered             <lgl> TRUE
#> $ type                <chr> "Drug"
#> $ category            <chr> "CONTRACEPTIVES"
#> $ ndc                 <chr> "78206-145-01"
#> $ ndc.rxcui           <chr> "1111011"
#> $ ndc.atc             <chr> "G03AC"
#> $ ndc.status          <chr> "ACTIVE"
#> $ ndc.brand_name      <chr> "NEXPLANON"
#> $ ndc.drug_name       <chr> "etonogestrel 68 MG Drug Implant [Nexplanon]"
#> $ ndc.atc_first       <chr> "genito urinary system and sex hormones"
#> $ ndc.atc_second      <chr> "sex hormones and modulators of the genital system"
#> $ ndc.atc_third       <chr> "hormonal contraceptives for systemic use"
#> $ ndc.atc_fourth      <chr> "progestogens"


opt_out(npi = 1043522824) |> glimpse()
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 12
#> $ npi               <chr> "1043522824"
#> $ first             <chr> "James"
#> $ last              <chr> "Smith"
#> $ specialty         <chr> "Nurse Practitioner"
#> $ order_refer       <lgl> TRUE
#> $ optout_start_date <date> 2019-07-01
#> $ optout_end_date   <date> 2025-07-01
#> $ last_updated      <date> 2023-09-15
#> $ address           <chr> "8585 E HARTFORD DR STE 111"
#> $ city              <chr> "SCOTTSDALE"
#> $ state             <ord> AZ
#> $ zip               <chr> "852555472"


order_refer(npi = 1043522824) |> glimpse()
#> Rows: 4
#> Columns: 4
#> $ npi      <chr> "1043522824", "1043522824", "1043522824", "1043522824"
#> $ first    <chr> "JAMES", "JAMES", "JAMES", "JAMES"
#> $ last     <chr> "SMITH", "SMITH", "SMITH", "SMITH"
#> $ eligible <fct> Medicare Part B, Home Health Agency, Durable Medical Equipmen…


  year  = 2021, 
  state = "GA", 
  city  = "Valdosta", 
  apc   = "5072") |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 18
#> $ year                <int> 2021
#> $ ccn                 <chr> "110122"
#> $ organization        <chr> "South Georgia Medical Center"
#> $ address             <chr> "2501 North Patterson Street, Po Box 1727"
#> $ city                <chr> "Valdosta"
#> $ state               <ord> GA
#> $ fips                <chr> "13"
#> $ zip                 <chr> "31602"
#> $ ruca                <chr> "1"
#> $ apc                 <chr> "5072"
#> $ apc_desc            <chr> "Level 2 Excision/ Biopsy/ Incision and Drainage"
#> $ tot_benes           <int> 210
#> $ comp_apc_srvcs      <int> 222
#> $ avg_charges         <dbl> 6454.778
#> $ avg_allowed         <dbl> 1233.753
#> $ avg_payment         <dbl> 981.9733
#> $ tot_outlier_srvcs   <int> 0
#> $ avg_outlier_payment <dbl> 0


  year = 2022, 
  type = 'Provider', 
  npi = 1003000126) |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 28
#> $ year              <int> 2022
#> $ npi               <chr> "1003000126"
#> $ entity_type       <fct> Individual
#> $ first             <chr> "Ardalan"
#> $ last              <chr> "Enkeshafi"
#> $ gender            <fct> Male
#> $ credential        <chr> "MD"
#> $ specialty         <chr> "Internal Medicine"
#> $ source            <chr> "Claim-Specialty"
#> $ address           <chr> "6410 Rockledge Dr Ste 304"
#> $ city              <chr> "Bethesda"
#> $ state             <ord> MD
#> $ zip               <chr> "20817"
#> $ fips              <chr> "24"
#> $ ruca              <chr> "1"
#> $ country           <chr> "US"
#> $ tot_claims        <int> 413
#> $ tot_fills         <dbl> 715.7667
#> $ tot_cost          <dbl> 36330.41
#> $ tot_supply        <int> 19258
#> $ tot_benes         <int> 155
#> $ rx_rate_opioid    <dbl> 3.1477
#> $ rx_rate_opioid_la <dbl> 0
#> $ bene_race_blk     <int> 20
#> $ hcc_risk_avg      <dbl> 2.059633
#> $ detailed          <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 32]>]
#> $ demographics      <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 14]>]
#> $ gte_65            <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 8]>]
  year = 2022, 
  npi = 1003000126,
  type = 'Drug',
  brand_name = 'Atorvastatin Calcium') |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 17
#> $ year         <int> 2022
#> $ npi          <chr> "1003000126"
#> $ last         <chr> "Enkeshafi"
#> $ first        <chr> "Ardalan"
#> $ city         <chr> "Bethesda"
#> $ state        <ord> MD
#> $ fips         <chr> "24"
#> $ specialty    <chr> "Internal Medicine"
#> $ source       <chr> "Claim-Specialty"
#> $ brand_name   <chr> "Atorvastatin Calcium"
#> $ generic_name <chr> "Atorvastatin Calcium"
#> $ tot_claims   <int> 11
#> $ tot_fills    <dbl> 29
#> $ tot_supply   <int> 870
#> $ tot_cost     <dbl> 286.69
#> $ level        <ord> Provider
#> $ gte_65       <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 7]>]
  year = 2022, 
  type = 'Geography',
  level = 'National',
  brand_name = 'Clotrimazole-Betamethasone') |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 20
#> $ year            <int> 2022
#> $ level           <ord> National
#> $ state           <ord> National
#> $ brand_name      <chr> "Clotrimazole-Betamethasone"
#> $ generic_name    <chr> "Clotrimazole/Betamethasone Dip"
#> $ tot_prescribers <int> 205696
#> $ tot_claims      <int> 1598558
#> $ tot_fills       <dbl> 1688104
#> $ tot_cost        <dbl> 48271880
#> $ tot_benes       <int> 879153
#> $ tot_claims_ge65 <int> 1361135
#> $ tot_fills_ge65  <dbl> 1439915
#> $ tot_cost_ge65   <dbl> 40468578
#> $ tot_benes_ge65  <int> 760752
#> $ tot_cost_lis    <dbl> 767079.3
#> $ tot_cost_nlis   <dbl> 12326159
#> $ opioid          <lgl> FALSE
#> $ opioid_la       <lgl> FALSE
#> $ antibiotic      <lgl> FALSE
#> $ antipsychotic   <lgl> FALSE


  npi  = 1720098791, 
  enid = "O20040610001257") |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 7
#> $ npi                   <chr> "1720098791"
#> $ pac                   <chr> "7618950643"
#> $ enid                  <chr> "O20040610001257"
#> $ specialty_code        <chr> "12-70"
#> $ specialty_description <chr> "PART B SUPPLIER - CLINIC/GROUP PRACTICE"
#> $ state                 <ord> GA
#> $ organization          <chr> "IRWIN COUNTY HOSPITAL"


  year = 2021, 
  npi  = 1932365699) |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 92
#> $ `provider key`                                   <chr> "000493218"
#> $ `practice state or us territory`                 <chr> "CO"
#> $ `practice size`                                  <chr> "3"
#> $ `clinician specialty`                            <chr> "Optometry"
#> $ `years in medicare`                              <chr> "14"
#> $ npi                                              <chr> "1932365699"
#> $ engaged                                          <chr> "True"
#> $ `participation type`                             <chr> "Group"
#> $ `medicare patients`                              <chr> "555"
#> $ `allowed charges`                                <chr> "112449"
#> $ services                                         <chr> "1157"
#> $ `opted into mips`                                <chr> "False"
#> $ `small practitioner`                             <chr> "True"
#> $ `rural clinician`                                <chr> "True"
#> $ `hpsa clinician`                                 <chr> "True"
#> $ `ambulatory surgical center`                     <chr> "False"
#> $ `hospital-based clinician`                       <chr> "False"
#> $ `non-patient facing`                             <chr> "False"
#> $ `facility-based`                                 <chr> "False"
#> $ `extreme hardship`                               <chr> "True"
#> $ `final score`                                    <chr> "60"
#> $ `payment adjustment percentage`                  <chr> "0"
#> $ `complex patient bonus`                          <chr> "2.54"
#> $ `extreme hardship quality`                       <chr> "True"
#> $ `quality category score`                         <chr> "45"
#> $ `quality improvement bonus`                      <chr> "0"
#> $ `quality bonus`                                  <chr> "False"
#> $ `quality measure id 1`                           <chr> "141"
#> $ `quality measure score 1`                        <chr> "3"
#> $ `quality measure id 2`                           <chr> "014"
#> $ `quality measure score 2`                        <chr> "3"
#> $ `quality measure id 3`                           <chr> "110"
#> $ `quality measure score 3`                        <chr> "3"
#> $ `quality measure id 4`                           <chr> "47"
#> $ `quality measure score 4`                        <chr> "3"
#> $ `quality measure id 5`                           <chr> "1"
#> $ `quality measure score 5`                        <chr> "0"
#> $ `quality measure id 6`                           <chr> "117"
#> $ `quality measure score 6`                        <chr> "0"
#> $ `quality measure id 7`                           <chr> ""
#> $ `quality measure score 7`                        <chr> ""
#> $ `quality measure id 8`                           <chr> ""
#> $ `quality measure score 8`                        <chr> ""
#> $ `quality measure id 9`                           <chr> ""
#> $ `quality measure score 9`                        <chr> ""
#> $ `quality measure id 10`                          <chr> ""
#> $ `quality measure score 10`                       <chr> ""
#> $ `promoting interoperability (pi) category score` <chr> "0"
#> $ `extreme hardship pi`                            <chr> "True"
#> $ `pi hardship`                                    <chr> "False"
#> $ `pi reweighting`                                 <chr> "False"
#> $ `pi bonus`                                       <chr> "False"
#> $ `pi cehrt id`                                    <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 1`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 1`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 2`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 2`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 3`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 3`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 4`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 4`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 5`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 5`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 6`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 6`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 7`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 7`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 8`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 8`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 9`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 9`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 10`                               <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 10`                            <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure id 11`                               <chr> ""
#> $ `pi measure score 11`                            <chr> ""
#> $ `ia score`                                       <chr> "0"
#> $ `extreme hardship ia`                            <chr> "True"
#> $ `ia study`                                       <chr> "False"
#> $ `ia measure id 1`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `ia measure score 1`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `ia measure id 2`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `ia measure score 2`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `ia measure id 3`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `ia measure score 3`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `ia measure id 4`                                <chr> ""
#> $ `ia measure score 4`                             <chr> ""
#> $ `cost score`                                     <chr> "0"
#> $ `extreme hardship cost`                          <chr> "True"
#> $ `cost measure id 1`                              <chr> ""
#> $ `cost measure score 1`                           <chr> ""
#> $ `cost measure id 2`                              <chr> ""
#> $ `cost measure score 2`                           <chr> ""


  year = 2024, 
  npi  = 1932365699,
  tidy = FALSE,
  unnest = FALSE,
  pivot = FALSE,
  na.rm = FALSE) |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 13
#> $ year                           <chr> "2024"
#> $ firstName                      <chr> "STEFAN"
#> $ middleName                     <chr> "MICHAEL"
#> $ lastName                       <chr> "SMITH"
#> $ npi                            <chr> "1932365699"
#> $ nationalProviderIdentifierType <int> 1
#> $ firstApprovedDate              <chr> "2008-11-15"
#> $ yearsInMedicare                <int> 16
#> $ pecosEnrollmentDate            <int> 2008
#> $ newlyEnrolled                  <lgl> FALSE
#> $ specialty                      <df[,3]> <data.frame[1 x 3]>
#> $ isMaqi                         <lgl> FALSE
#> $ organizations                  <list> [<data.frame[2 x 12]>]


  npi = 1932365699, 
  pac_org = 7719037548) |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 12
#> $ npi           <chr> "1932365699"
#> $ pac           <chr> "42370496"
#> $ enid          <chr> "I20171107000894"
#> $ first         <chr> "STEFAN"
#> $ last          <chr> "SMITH"
#> $ associations  <int> 2
#> $ organization  <chr> "EYE CENTER OF THE ROCKIES PC"
#> $ pac_org       <chr> "7719037548"
#> $ enid_org      <chr> "O20090616000599"
#> $ state_org     <ord> CO
#> $ reassignments <int> 5
#> $ entry         <fct> Reassignment


  year = 2022, 
  npi  = 1932365699, 
  type = "Provider") |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 20
#> $ year         <int> 2022
#> $ npi          <chr> "1932365699"
#> $ entity_type  <fct> Individual
#> $ first        <chr> "Stefan"
#> $ middle       <chr> "M"
#> $ last         <chr> "Smith"
#> $ gender       <fct> Male
#> $ credential   <chr> "OD"
#> $ specialty    <chr> "Optometry"
#> $ address      <chr> "724 St. Louis Road"
#> $ city         <chr> "Collinsville"
#> $ state        <ord> IL
#> $ zip          <chr> "62234"
#> $ fips         <chr> "17"
#> $ ruca         <chr> "1"
#> $ country      <chr> "US"
#> $ par          <lgl> TRUE
#> $ performance  <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 11]>]
#> $ demographics <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 12]>]
#> $ conditions   <list> [<tbl_df[1 x 1]>]
  year  = 2022, 
  npi   = 1932365699,
  hcpcs = "99214",
  type  = "Service",
  rbcs = FALSE) |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 29
#> $ year         <int> 2022
#> $ npi          <chr> "1932365699"
#> $ level        <ord> Provider
#> $ entity_type  <chr> "I"
#> $ first        <chr> "Stefan"
#> $ middle       <chr> "M"
#> $ last         <chr> "Smith"
#> $ gender       <fct> Male
#> $ credential   <chr> "O.D."
#> $ specialty    <chr> "Optometry"
#> $ address      <chr> "724 St. Louis Road"
#> $ city         <chr> "Collinsville"
#> $ state        <ord> IL
#> $ zip          <chr> "62234"
#> $ fips         <chr> "17"
#> $ ruca         <chr> "1"
#> $ country      <chr> "US"
#> $ par          <lgl> TRUE
#> $ hcpcs        <chr> "99214"
#> $ hcpcs_desc   <chr> "Established patient office or other outpatient visit, 30…
#> $ drug         <lgl> FALSE
#> $ pos          <fct> Non-facility
#> $ tot_benes    <int> 38
#> $ tot_srvcs    <int> 46
#> $ tot_day      <int> 46
#> $ avg_charge   <dbl> 135
#> $ avg_allowed  <dbl> 130.6146
#> $ avg_payment  <dbl> 80.1337
#> $ avg_std_pymt <dbl> 78.30435
  year  = 2022, 
  hcpcs = "99205", 
  level = "National",
  pos   = "F",
  type  = "Geography",
  rbcs = FALSE) |> 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 15
#> $ year         <int> 2022
#> $ level        <ord> National
#> $ state        <ord> National
#> $ hcpcs        <chr> "99205"
#> $ hcpcs_desc   <chr> "New patient office or other outpatient visit, 60-74 minu…
#> $ drug         <lgl> FALSE
#> $ pos          <fct> Facility
#> $ tot_provs    <int> 67438
#> $ tot_benes    <int> 589940
#> $ tot_srvcs    <int> 672234
#> $ tot_day      <int> 672211
#> $ avg_charge   <dbl> 506.3615
#> $ avg_allowed  <dbl> 183.1025
#> $ avg_payment  <dbl> 139.1145
#> $ avg_std_pymt <dbl> 137.0229

⚖️ Code of Conduct

Please note that the provider project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

🏛️ Governance

This project is primarily maintained by Andrew Bruce. Other authors may occasionally assist with some of these duties.