Tidy ICD-10-CM Interface
📦 Installation
You can install pathologie from GitHub with:
# install.packages("pak")
🔰 Usage
icd10cm(icd = c("I15.0")) |> glimpse()
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 10
#> $ icd_ch_no <int> 9
#> $ icd_ch_abb <chr> "CARDIO"
#> $ icd_ch_name <chr> "Diseases of the circulatory system"
#> $ icd_ch_range <chr> "I00 - I99"
#> $ icd_sec_name <chr> "Secondary hypertension"
#> $ icd_sec_range <chr> "I15 - I15.9"
#> $ order <int> 11411
#> $ valid <int> 1
#> $ icd_code <chr> "I15.0"
#> $ icd_description <chr> "Renovascular hypertension"
icd10api(icd_code = "I1")
#> # A tibble: 18 × 2
#> icd_code icd_description
#> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 I10 Essential (primary) hypertension
#> 2 I11.0 Hypertensive heart disease with heart failure
#> 3 I11.9 Hypertensive heart disease without heart failure
#> 4 I12.0 Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 5 chronic kidney dis…
#> 5 I12.9 Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 1 through stage 4 ch…
#> 6 I13.0 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure an…
#> 7 I13.10 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure…
#> 8 I13.11 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure…
#> 9 I13.2 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure an…
#> 10 I15.0 Renovascular hypertension
#> 11 I15.1 Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders
#> 12 I15.2 Hypertension secondary to endocrine disorders
#> 13 I15.8 Other secondary hypertension
#> 14 I15.9 Secondary hypertension, unspecified
#> 15 I16.0 Hypertensive urgency
#> 16 I16.1 Hypertensive emergency
#> 17 I16.9 Hypertensive crisis, unspecified
#> 18 I1A.0 Resistant hypertension
Conflict Edit Rules
ex_data() |>
reframe(dob = date_of_birth,
dos = date_of_service,
age = years_floor(dob, dos)) |>
right_join(search_edits(group = "Age"),
by = join_by(icd_code)) |>
conflict = apply_age_edits(icd_conflict_rule, age),
dob = NULL,
dos = NULL,
icd_conflict_group = NULL
#> # A tibble: 3,780 × 5
#> icd_code age icd_description icd_conflict_rule conflict
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 Z00.00 7 Encntr for general adult medical e… Adult (Ages 15-1… Age Con…
#> 2 F53.0 33 Postpartum depression Maternity (Ages … <NA>
#> 3 F64.2 16 Gender identity disorder of childh… Pediatric (Ages … <NA>
#> 4 Z91.82 37 Personal history of military deplo… Adult (Ages 15-1… <NA>
#> 5 O90.6 30 Postpartum mood disturbance Maternity (Ages … <NA>
#> 6 Z00.00 9 Encntr for general adult medical e… Adult (Ages 15-1… Age Con…
#> 7 F64.2 12 Gender identity disorder of childh… Pediatric (Ages … <NA>
#> 8 F53.0 30 Postpartum depression Maternity (Ages … <NA>
#> 9 F53.0 22 Postpartum depression Maternity (Ages … <NA>
#> 10 F53.0 29 Postpartum depression Maternity (Ages … <NA>
#> # ℹ 3,770 more rows
⚖️ Code of Conduct
Please note that the pathologie
project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.
🏛️ Governance
This project is primarily maintained by Andrew Bruce. Other authors may occasionally assist with some of these duties.